. The first muslim invader in India was (1) Changez Khan (2) Muhammad Ghori (3) Muhammad of Ghazni (4) Muhammad-bin-Qasim
57 69852which one of follwoing will read a character from keyboard and store in c a)c=getc() b)c=getchar() c)c=getchar(stdin) d)getc(&c) e)none
7 22046What is the formula to find out the kvar required to improve the powerfactor from .85 to .99 at 1500kw, 415v.
4 18481What is the winding resistsnce need to be in a 1000kva, 11kv/415v transformer, between ht winding to lt winding, ht winding to earth, lt winding to earth.?
1 5475Post New Trident Interview Questions
Tell us how to login into any site if it's showing any authentication pop-up for username and password?
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What is the allowable -ve crankcase pressure (vacuum) in the gas engine of 1.5 mw?
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