If i wont like to change the standard print program where i
copied standard script to customer namespace,in this case
is it possible to retreive the data if u connect the script
with standard program.if yes how?if no why?
Is it possible to print the logo in first page only,where
the form consists of 10 pages.How can u do this?
How can u set a table format where it cosists of fields
like cust no, custname, amount ...in a script?
How do u know that the particular BADI is suitable for the
existed report.How do u findout this?When do u opt for BADI
OR USEREXIT?did functional people tell u to adopt BADI or
What is the difference between SY-INDEX & SY-TABIX ?
I have a report with fields Status,time & date.
the contents it consists are
Status Time Date
AAA 01:20:15 05-06-10
AAA 11:02:32 O3-06-10
AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10
AAA 09:14:46 05-06-10
EXECUTED?( for this question it should display
AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10 AS Output)
how many main windows are there in scripts?
What are the types of subroutines? : abap data dictionary
How to create our own data types in a Report??
what comes in Timkein written test I hope some body can tell me at this id plz tell it before 9 pm 19 march
without using matchcode ,help view ,check table , domain how to create the search help anybody know this answar plz post imdtly
How to call other programs?
9) We give KEEP in BDC structure...what is its purpose?
how to handle the errors (duplicate records) in CALL TRANSACTION METHOD and HOW CAN WE SHOW THE ENDUSER ABOUT THE ERROR RECORD
What is the structure of bdcmsgcoll? : abap bdc
What are the dynapro keywords?
what are the fields in BDC Data?
What are the events used in interactive reports?