What are the dynapro keywords?
can any body tell what is idoc archieving and how to do that
What is a projection view? : abap data dictionary
Give 3 scenario of reporting due to which you require reporting help of ABAP consultant?
how to calculate the difference between two date type of variables ?
A field containing quantity amounts (data type quan) must be assigned to a reference table and a reference field. Explain? : abap data dictionary
1.How can u set more than one selection screen for one report? 2.Where u can provide initial values other than in INITIALIZATION event?
What are the screen painter and menu painter?
What is sapnet?
what is the use of 'split' in BDC? Is it related to some tab adjustment to the flat file during BDC?
Print options in smartforms?
what is the use of system field 'SY-LOOC'? when will we use it? Plz answer me its urgent!!!
How do we debug sap script?