How the PF control while running DG set with load
What do you mean by distribution transformers?
I have cleared IOCL written exam(Electrical). My intv is on 6/9/2008.can anyone guide me & tellme abt intv questions.
c++ write a program to use a fuction call "max"which accepts an intger arrey of an arrument and return the larger and smallest of the arrey to main without changing. the original changing of the original position of the element of the arrey.
Two electronic energy meters are connected to seperate phase wires, but connected to a looped neutral. Are these going to function correctly?
why impedance test in power cables?
define briefly the function of an ac electric generator (alternator)?
what is power factor when in view of a lineman
what is meant by leading or lagging power factor?like in capacitor power factor is leading and in inductor power factor is lagging
In legging current reactive power is arise but in leading current which power will be arise ? and in this case, is active power more than rated ?
which type of motor we are using in local train???
4 Answers Asia MotorWorks AMW,
what is mean by induction & conduction principle ? how they differ from each other ? thank you
After synchronizing the running generator with grid, the avr getting tripped and the generator breaker also oettong tripped, before tripping the avr the pf meter of generator is showing leading pf please kindly give a suggestion to rectify this problem.