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CSE Interview Questions
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What is a mission critical system?


i finished my mba in 2004 on, i would like to join sap sd module . please give me suggetions about this.

4 6539

how do u import all ur test case written in excel sheet to test director?

1 5541

how do u know that the test case is complete(assume we have a testbox how do u know that all the test cases are covered for this text box)

9 12067

In real time scenario where can we use mapping parameters and variables?

4 31173

what is mainframe? what is the mainframe software ? what is use in s/w field?

7 10867

what is the basic concept of mainframe? what knowledge is needed for learn this mainframe?

4 15949

"Why you consider yourself suitable for the post"

17 595414

why impedance test in power cables?

1 3357

why PD testing for power cables

1 3006

When we use 4 special periods? Please calrify with example.

2 6503

How to write gui test cases ? plz gve me some sugessition about gui test cases along with examples plz plz any one plz

3 7654

what was the role of Lord Canning in the revolution of 1857.

1 5909

Which of the following statements are true about constructors and methods? 1)A constructor has it's own name, a return type and is invoked using the new operator. 2)A function has it's own name, a return type and is invoked using the dot operator. 3)A constructor has the name of the class, no return type and is invoked using the new operator.

4 34230

I am having an internal table with field name 'type' which consists of values 'a' 'b' 'c' 'a' 'a'.Now i used 'at new fieldname' control statement on this field so what could be the output

2 5324

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Explain me what is polymorphism?


What is meant by autowiring?


What are shallow and deep copies?


what is Single Byte Overhead...?


What is Operational Data Store?


Write a progarm to find the length of string using switch case?


What is Hcm Master Data In Sap?


what are the differences between public, private, protected, static, transient, final and volatile? : Sql dba


What are the main features of cursor?


What is triggers and how it can be used in mysql?


Explain database testing?


A parallel flow heat exchanger will perform better than a counter flow heat exchanger. State if the statement is true or false.


What is the latest version and language used in load runner?


Can you explain the three types of SQL statements used in SAP HANA?


What is the current version of java?