can any one give one scenario of change request
Difference between ME21 and ME21N?
Output should not print invoice for perticular customer
hi, i have one problem wen i'm practising...we were creating sales order in std doc type OR. the material has mrp type std ND(noMRP) and item category TAN which was assigned to scheduleline category CN (NO CHECK). wat happened is the system automatically propse the material availability date as 31.12.2008, eventhough i havent configured availability check. so tht i cant make delivery for this order.... i ve tried many time with diff customer...but the same error was happened....can u pls tell me y it is happened?
Do you have an idea regarding ALE, BADI,BAPI etc? Explain the definition of all the terms along with detailed explanation & examples from your real time data? Please provide answer to this question asap.. I am waiting for your reply eagerly. Expecting quick response from your end. Thanks in advance..
The quantity of Inquiry is 50 but the quotation created on it has 40 qty and the inquiry document is complete. How do we control it?
How rebate is controlled for automatic accruals or manual accruals? Where are settings?
condition type amt k007/k004 should be rounded off eg eg rs 25.456 should be rounded to rs 26.oo in invoice
What is Lean Ware House Management in Detail?
What is CR (change request)in support project? can i have answer with real time example please.
What are different sales document in sap system? How to create a sales document?
what are the tools we use to communicate with the client in the companies. can anyone tel me atleast 3 issues we face in support project.
28. If we have three plants & one material, then how to extend single material to all three plants?