Answer / arun
its very much like sy-subrc , its used for
rp_provide_from_last in abap hr. Google for more details
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we will create functionmodules in real time or reusing exsiting one's in abap and webdynpro abap?
What are the 3 types of function modules in sap?
What is an update type with reference to a match code id? : abap data dictionary
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How many rediobutton groups can be there in a module pool program and in a report?
2 Answers BOC, BPCL Bharat Petroleum,
when we create a simple report with input field as S_VBELN (as select-options)..for any range of values it is displaying the output...i dont want like that..only the existing ranges it must be displayed...for ex. in sales ranges from 4969...but in input from 1 to z also displaying..please send me the solution
Can we get unique records with secondary key also
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What are the basic objects of the data dictionary? : abap data dictionary
difference between at selection-screen and at selection-screen output?
8)when u create sales report what u can see in that report ? what rthose field names or data element names? 9)when u create purchase order details report what u can see in that report ?what rthose fieldnames or dataelements? 10)when u create material stock report in material master grouped by material type and plant what u can see in report ?what rthose field names or dataelement ? 11)when u create shipping forecast report what u can see in that report ?what rthose data elements or field names?
Which function module you will use to attach a search help to a field in Selection screen?