how to handle multiple line items in bdc??
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Answer / sainath
multiple records can be handled in BDC only through Table
control.If u need code for this please let me know.
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Answer / balamurugan
INDX = INDX + 1.
perform bdc_field using V_MATNR WA_ITEM-MATNR.
perform bdc_field using V_MENGE WA_ITEM-MENGE.
perform bdc_field using BDC_OKCODE '/00'.
We can upload multiple line items Using table control.The
above code explain the same.
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Answer / raju
Table control is used to handle multiple input records.
example for creating customer we use screen xd01.
initial screen we have address details,most of the fields on
this screen are fixed. But when you select payment
transactions you find customer bank details.Now we can see
customer can have multiple bank accounts (bank keys,bank
account no)In the table control row no for each record is
dynamic i.e for 1st record the fields are knbk-banks(01),
knabk-bankl(01) 01 specifies the row no and row no
keeps on increasing with every new record.
In bdc we declare a internal table t_knb1 type knb1 customer
bank details.
declare index
data v_index(2) type N.
declare string
data v_enam like bdcdata_fnam
loop at it_banks into wa_banks.
v_index = sy-tabix."loop counter
concatenate 'knbk-banks(' v_index ')'into v_fnam.
wa_bdcdata-fnam = v_fnam.
wa_bdcdata-fval = wa_banks-banks.
append wa_bdcdata to it_bdcdata.
repeat this procedure for all fields.
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