What are control tables?
with out using chain and end chain how you will do validations
what is the difference between data: begin of ty_emp, eno type i, ename type string, dno type i, end of ty_emp. and types: begin of ty_emp, eno type i, ename type string, dno type i, end of ty_emp.
what is field string ? & where we are using field strings?
What application areas are you comfortable in?
How to know if the value entered contains records or not?
Why do we use types statement in abap programming?
What is the use of " TABLE MANTENANCE ALLOWED " . And itts transaction code
I have two structures s1 and s2 have same struture of five fields each how can u transfer data from s1 to s2
What are the errors occurred in a report?
5. I have two pages, In one page I want address, Header, Main & footer. In the second page I want only Main. How to do it?
Explain what are the steps in the SD process at least up to the invoicing stage?
How do you see the data in a table?