what is difference between the buscoupler and bus raiser?
What are the difference between normal application Transformer and Solar application Transformer?
i) in which cases should we go for neutral and where should we go for ground? ii) in domestic supply we are getting 230v a.c.and what is the amount of current?
wht is meant by sh6
in a plug point why the hole size at the top is large?
ell me capacitor bank chossen formula.load in KW
why firewall is build up between two transformer (220/11kv,50MVA)?what should be the firewall height?what is the clearance between firewall and transformer?
2 Answers Siemens, Tous Stadt,
can i use 10 mfd + 6 mfd instead of 15 mfd capacitor in single phase motor as running capacitor
if the supply frequency increases what happens to the motor load
in star delta starter current is 1/3times the delta value how?
what is mean by kneepoint voltage? when it will happen? ( my doubt is, if CT secondary is open means ct get saturation or blas? what are factors are required for calculations? plz give currect anws:
It is being often experienced that due to single phasing fault of any source transmission line of any closed loop synchronized circuit all the power transformers with primary stared trips but the power transformer with primary delta wont, why ?
230v 1 phase Phase and Neutral insert in Bulk water what happens.