Online SAP HR training by a real time consultant CHENNA
KESAVA REDDY, intrested people can reach me on or
Answer Posted / mitali
I agree with BK.
Chenna ...dont add this type of Question
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How do applicant actions differ from applicant activities?
Define period work schedules?
What is the use of logical database pap?
What is requirements subprofile?
How to create wage type?
What is meant by authorization? Did you ever work on it?
What are wage types in the sap system? : hr- payroll
What is the relation between it 0007 and it 0008 ?
How do you assign an employee to an enterprise structure?
How the wage types are evaluated indirectly?
What is controlling area. What are its uses? How do you assign it?
What is an Organizational Key Used For?
What is payroll area and uses of payroll area?
List the time related infotypes that you have used?
what are the wage type groups?