Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is the different between bus section and bus coupler

1 3812

what is the different between bus section and bus coupler

2 37775

If the capacitor feeder is switched ON without any load, is there any display in the ammeter at the incomer?

RTD, Welspun,

3 5426

What is the importance of RESONANCE

2 4003

1 sq.mm alluminum cable hou much current caraing capacity

5 10175

How can we step up ac and dc ?

1 3276

how can findout cable fault Location only useing MEGGER

3 6519

why ct is testing using dc.. y cant we use AC insted of dc on POLARITY TEST.

6 11138

What is the relation between the Peripheral speed(N) , no.of poles(P) and diameter(D) of a cylindrical rotor alternator ?


5 11358


6 7240

what is diffence between synchronus and asynchronus AC motor.?

1 3649

Why is the uniform distribution of the capacitor discs in a suspension type insulators essential , what can u do to improve the string efficiency ?

1 3934

What is the size of cable to be used for a Space Heater in UPS 160KVA of carrying 10 Amps current with 240 V ,1 Phase?

3 4499

How to calcualte the total number of cells required for particular UPS of some X KVA with 3 and 5 hours back-up?


1 2853

what is the difference between ac and dc hipo test of cable?

2 7324

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

how to find number of run cable laying[LT side] for transformer & alternator secondary side? [above condition for getting output power transformer to main panel side] give the example.


how can service sitting be setted for MCCB?Example for sittings IR (CURRENT RATING),IS(CURRENT STARTING) I O (current operating)?


why is a power transformer used only occasionally?it is used to step up at generating stations?and that needs to be done all day long !!!!!!!


define hysteresis loss, eddy current loss and windage loss


1. What is the exact formula for one weber? for example,(one ampere = one coulomb electron of electrons crossing a point of conductor at one second. i.e, 1A=1Q/1sec)


In power transmission using open belts or horizontal shafts it is preferable to have the slack side of the belt on the top because


What is Bolted fault?


how does an encoder work???


hi i will D.E.E.E.is completed pls send rrb diploma old qustion papaer sent in my e mail. i.d.


what is the pulse and audio frequency transformer? what is different between induction regulators and tap changing transformer?


How relay works, reverse relay, master relay, os relay, earth fault relay and what is its setting point


send me any model test paper of clerical post of state bank of india.......


How to determine stage of Automatic Power factor controlling Relay(Apfcr)?


Batteries used for electrical energy storage are a. Laclanche cells b. Edison cells c. Lead acid cells d.any of the above


i am studying in final year can i allowed for 23rd UES of Indian army