Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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5- What is the task (function) of the excitation and isolation transformers in power plant? 6- What is the task (function) of LCI (A), LCI (B) and LCI (COS) in power plant? : LCI (A) and LCI(B) are load commutating inverter for generator turbine starting. , LCI (COS) is load commutating inverter change over switch


7- What is the Dissipation Factor and the difference between it and Insulation Resistance Test? 8- What is the task (function) of DC and AC reactors in power plant? 9- What is the task (function) of (open delta with earthed) in some types in transformers? 10- What is the base of the selection of the vector group in transformers? 11- What is the zig-zag transformer and its function by drawing in large detail? 12- What is the polarity ? 13- Why we make short between phase(R) in high side and phase (r) in low side in vector group test? Where High Side ( R ,S and T ) and Low Side ( r ,s and t ). 14- What are the time on delay and time off delay? 15- What is the vector group? 15- What is the task (function) of different types of vector group such as Dyn11 , Dd0 , YNd1,……..,?


How power factor of electric system improved?


6 7668

How to calculate cable sizes in sq.mm. with using motor KW? Any formula there?

Aswani Properties, BRB Cable, Construction, Hitachi, L&T, Microcool Systems, Nahar, NWPF, Reliance, Renault, Saha Bright Polytech, SGH, TATA, Techno Electric and Engineering, TFIL, Thermax,

18 302337

I need the recommended size for a 3 phase transformer at 13.8 KV Primary and connected loads of 3000 kVA at 4200 volts and 2375 kVA @ 480 volts AC.

Duke Energy,


what is the equation of converting KW into HP ?

4 8735

what happen if i connect DYn11 and DYn1 vector group transformer in parrallel?other things are same like votage ration,x/r ratiob etc...

4 31519

is there any difference between protection C.T and measuring C.T?if yes then what is the difference?

BARC, Century Rayon,

4 11417

why we r not earthed Control cable of C.T. terminals



What is the difference between an insulator and a dielectric?

2 6717

What are the different power system losses and how can it be eliminated?


Explain the power rating of a bulb, say 60W, what if the voltage changes

4 12090

Why is the earth pin in a 3-pin plug the longest and the thickest?


10 27589

Is there any difference between circuit breakers and isolators

7 11587

What is IDMT? What is the principle

3 35621

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

Why is the starting current high in dc motor?


work of choke in florocent tube circuit ?


why wire sizes are 3/29 or 7/29 and why not wire sizes are 2/29 or 6/29?


I am getting above 60 V as open delta voltage against single phase unit ICT at tertiary delta formed and ICT getting trippped on NDR. ICT tested and found in order. PTs provided on tertiary are tested and in order. what may be the reason?


in shunt clippers why a resistor is used in sereis with the input


what are your career plans upon completion of the programme and the relevance of recity generation to your professional development?


How to calculate the input cable rating for 10kva ups (3phase input and single phase output and also 3phase output, battery rating 65Ah)provide the formula also.thnx


What are the advantages of autotransformer?


how to select battery for 15 KVA UPS with formula


by what factor the starting current is used when comparing star and delta connection for motor starting?


Post possible questions for Power Factor Panel FAT / SAT


What should be the values of settling time, peak time, steady state error, overshoot, rise time, MPOS (Maximum percent over shoot) to keep the system in transient state, to keep the system in steady state ?


What is the unit audit? if our Max demand is something and we found much more unit then how to improve our max demand?


In case of generator when we consume more power produces by it why load on generator increase and starts sound more. and how it is adjusted..


how test transfomer(3 phase75kva) by megger