Oracle Apps Manufacturing Interview Questions
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What are the modules generally covered under Oracle Manufacturing Apps

Al-Qahtani, Axis Solutions, Wipro,

11 52505

What are the basic modules of Oracle Apps? Which are very popular

Accenture, iGate, TCS, Textiles, Wipro,

24 117120

How many type of BOM are availabe?

5 27044

What all diffrent type of supply type are three and what are there use?

4 29117

What is the diffrance between std job and non std job?

4 11030

what setups are done in BOM?

2 16167

What setups are done in WIP?


5 19865

What are phetom item? How are they user in business case?

3 19215

What all diffrent typw of resources are there?

1 7078

Explain the OSP cycle?

9 29119

What is work order less Transaction in WIP?

DSS, Genpact,

3 26683

What is accouting class and where is it defined iN WIP?

1 10731

What is an ATP and what are there rules?


2 15132

What are the Required Setups need to be done in Inventory?

4 8234

What is an Organization Assignment?

3 8192

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List out the tables in basic oracle apllication modules?