Just now i created one organization then i setup wip parameters in discreate jobs i found only one status 'how to update/create other status?
1 4672can any one help me to resolve this error "&SEGMENT refers an invalid output DESCRIPTION for system Items" when i query an job in the MAterial Requirements user interface
1 5057What is this error obutained while assiging an operating unit to Business group. "ID & ID for the flexfield segment Legal Entity does not exist in the value set HR_ORGDDF_OUI_LEGAL_ENTITY. (VALUE=5149)
3539If i want to map a organization structure, where i hv 1 operating unit that is looking after only purchasing and payables activities, whereas another operating unit is looking after OM as well as receivables. I hv one more warehouse or say plant, where i am manufacturing & despatching the goods. Wiil it be solved by setting up purchasing at one OU and OM at another OU. Do I need to perform any additional setups? Please Suggest.
2 8722i have around 10 organisations in our instance . how we can restrict oraganizations access to users . out of 10 mhe has to access /can see only 4
3 10103What is the use of display option in Routing and Bill of Material.(e.g Current, Current and Future) and Checked Implemented.
3 10149I got my new offer as Functional consultant in Oracle Apps. Now i m having only domain knowledge ( SCM ). Will anybody explains briefly abt the Manufacturing process in Oracle Apps ??
1 11483Post New Oracle Apps Manufacturing Questions