What is accouting class and where is it defined iN WIP?
Accounting classes are assigned and used when jobs, work
orders,and repetive assemblies associated with production
lines are defined.
Generally standard discrete, asset non-standard discrete
and expense non-standard discrete.
We need to assign an accounting class all your discrete
Standard Discrete
Standard discrete accounting classes can be used to group
job costs. For example, if you
build subassemblies and finished goods, you can define your
accounting classes so that
you can separately value and report the costs associated
with subassembly and finished
goods production. Standard discrete accounting classes can
be automatically defaulted
when you create discrete jobs.
Non-Standard Discrete
Non-standard discrete accounting classes can be used to
group and report various types
of non-standard production costs, such as field service
repair or engineering projects.
For example to track recurring expenses - machine
maintenance or engineering projects
- with non-standard jobs, you can define and assign an
accounting class with a type of
expense non-standard to these jobs.
Repetitive Accounting Classes
Repetitive accounting classes are used to group production
costs and must be assigned
to each repetitive line/assembly association that is
created. Every schedule for that
assembly on that line uses these accounts. The accounts are
charged whenever you
transact against the line/assembly association. Repetitive
accounting classes can be
automatically defaulted when you associate repetitive
assemblies with production lines
Negigation is -Work in process-->setup-->Wip accounting
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