Q)1. in partner determination procedure how can we make mandatory of business partenrs like sold to party ship to party what are the settings we use Q)2. after replicating the employe from r/3 system employee is not visible in crm system what are reasons? Q)3.in email campaign what are communication settings we do?
3161what is bdoc?bdoc types?how to find bdoc error cheak?how to monitoring? how to bp replicate ecc to crm?how to cheak bp replication? what is the diference between inbound vs outbound queues? what is middleware configure settings? what is the delta download,how to process? what is the difference between intialload vs delta download? what is site?site,publication,subscription diferences? what is the difference middleware coakpit vs trace? what is the middleware parameters?how many types and diferences?
6715Any who wants complete SAP crm study material can contact me on my email id.i.e mehtazhussain@rediffmail.com
6 70004.What is the business process of client? 5.Do you have any exp. Of debugging? 6.What is a business role? 7.Have you ever created different user interfaces for different users? 8. How will you analyse the best sales man or area through pipeline management. 9.How a lead goes to opportunity. 10.how a sales assistant works 11. What are the actions and conditions you defined for sales assistant? Explain.
1935Hi I hope somebody can help me, I need to create a report about Business Partners with his contact person, exist in the system something about this or How I can create this report?
1 4424Post New SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Questions
Mention how crm assign the business roles?
How to send emails Target gorup ( Customers) in Email Compaign Pramotion? pls send crm intervivw questions
Campaign mgt wt you know? Wt are the settings will you do?
Explain what is bdoc in crm? What are the types or classes of bdoc?
What do you mean by model access class?
What are the tools used in sap-crm?
Hi this is rajeev hre i m gng to complete SAP CRM TRAININNG BASE CUSTOMIZATION + SALES. m i eligible to get a job or i will have to do other modules like marketing & CIC. PLZ tell in which can i get gd break. m having 2 yrs of EXPNCE as NAVISION CONSULTANT & rt now m not getting calls on this so i shifted to SAP CRM .WAT R POSIIBLITIES . PLZ SUJJEST & SEND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AT :rajeevroy84@gmail.com rajeev_roy84@rediffmail.com,931564306 . m in delhi
What function does the crm middleware perform?
List out the standard transaction types for sales?
Explain what are adapters?
What is sap gui?
Where do we create Target Group? And Who will be creating the Target Groups?
6)how do you determine texts?
Explain what is actions in sap crm?
What is email processing?