i need what exactly crm people will do in real time in sales module. please share ur knowledge it will be very useful for us thank you.
1737hi.i have required few implementation life example in sap marketing ,can any body give me help.if possible then please mail me:-shrishukla@yahoo.in
17331Q. How do we utilize crm_survey_suite in the process? 2Q. What is object relationship profile?
2310Q explain the following ? a. multiple wave campaign b. recurring campaign c. event triggered campaign
1864Post New SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Questions
hi sridhar Thanks for your cooperation and help. Could you please send me the sap CRM FAQ to given mail address,so that it will be really usefull for me. my mail id is busha.sap@gmail.com Thanks in advance. regards, busha.
I have to map crm business partners to the r/3 business partners. How can I do this?
Mention the various types of business documents?
What is the customizing for top n products?
List the tools are available to import/export data from a crm system?
Explain what is the prerequisites to create an opportunity?
Hello friends. i am new in to sap crm.please answer this question. Q1. How will you transfer the data/transaction from development server to QA server or production server? Q2. How will you check the data is successfully transferred and where will you see it
What are the functions of using availability check?
What is the procedure to do text determination? Tell the process?
Can you delete an Assignment Block of a campaign? What are the customization steps?
What is the action profile in sap crm?
Define the opportunity management available in the sap crm?
Explain what is text determination in sap crm?
Hi Sridhar, Have seen your comments on allinterview.com, it would be a great help for me if you can send me collection of real time SAP CRM Interview Questions and authentic business blueprint. Please mail me Interview Questions Related to SAP CRM Marketing,Sales and CIC) please help me out ASAP My mail id alanonsap@live.com
Can you run campaign without products? What are all necessary to run campaign? What settings will you do to send mail from your system?