How to integrate r/3 with crm?
Define the term 'opportunity" in sap crm?
What are the different functions are used outline agreement in sales?
Campaign mgt wt you know? Wt are the settings will you do?
In delta download which table is retrieve from r/3 to crm ?
can anyone plz send me some solved tickets regarding base customization ,lead mdmt and CIC .plz reply
What is the rule of organizational determination?
Define the term opportunity hierarchy. Where can it be used?
What is the integration between marketing and erp?
What are some popular crm software?
What is the username and password for the installed client? If I need to create a username and password, what do I need to do?
Define the opportunity management available in the sap crm?
Hello friends. i am new in to sap crm.please answer this question. Q1. How will you transfer the data/transaction from development server to QA server or production server? Q2. How will you check the data is successfully transferred and where will you see it
What do you mean by product catalog?
wht is the business process involved in sap-crm? what reports a sap-crm functional generate? what are the tools used in sap-crm?