SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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Hi Friends, Can you please let me know the difference between user exist and Routines



HELLO FRIENDS , What is common distrubution channel and division.


4 6571

Hi friends This is Ramesh. I have a doubt in item categories. That is what is the use of Usage in item categories and also higher level item categories. Pls explain with examples in detail. Thank u. Regards, Ramesh.j

Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,

2 5470

Hi I am preparing for interview(sap sd). In my preparation i am seeing and websits and Glen c williams book and my tution notes. Is it enough for preparation for an interview. Pls suggest me if there r any other way to prepare. Thank u. Regards, Ramesh

1 5402

hi I am ramesh. I have a doubt on customization and configuration process. Is Sap Sd consultants do configuration or customization. pls tell me any one

2 3603

what is the difference between shedule line category of, standard item and third party item???? Experts plz plz reply


4 12827

in the customer master where the system displays the account group by using which that customer is already created?

1 3881

in the customer master record where does the system display all the changes that have been made?

1 4095

If PGI is not possible for one sales order. what are mandatory things we have to chck?

Intelligroup, TCS,

4 11359

Can we create a delivery without storage location? If we can then how? can anybody will guide me by giving proper answer......Sdtapas

2 6362

Q. While creating a delivery I am getting this error One time delivery on required delivery date not possible in sd? Please revert with the suitable answers.

1 3442

Hi,In IBM Interview,the Scenario For an XYZ customer any order he places should be deliveried with in time and one short all the QTY (one time only PGI for Sales order). say for example Customer has ordered 100 qty on 15/july/2011, stock aviable is only 30 qty, customer requied delivery date 25/july/ 2011. is this possiblein SAP SD if yes How and where is the Triggering point.


4 7436

Hi,In IBM Interview,the Scenario For an XYZ customer,The required delivery time is given by the customer say 17/july, but for transportation for material will take some 4days to reach the customer. means in SAP the PGI should happen before 4 days so that meet reqiured Delivery dated, How and where is the triggering point in SAP SD.from where the system will know delivery should happen before 4days.


3 6743

what is positive negative quantity in copy control in sap sd


2 13888

How business confirms whether goods are delivered to customer or not in Third party sales


3 7337

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

What is the integrated areas in sd and fi, sd and mm, sd and pp in both implementation and support projects?


Hi Team, this question is related to 3rd party. customer is given order for 20 materials and vendor delivered to customer only 10 material . As per my knowledge vendor invoice will be for 10 material and customer invoice will be for 10 material but my question is how billing quantity will change in sales order against which we have need to create customer invoice for 10 material only. what configuration we need to do for update sales order quantity for order related billing for customer. how vendor will deliver rest 10 material to close this order? could you please share your input with screen shot. Thanks in Advance.


What is the structure of delivery document?


Hi friends. What is the test script. Pls explain me with example. And also what is the End user documentation. In this documentation what is the information are there. What is the use of it.


When you think of the five possible elements necessary for the account determining during posting of a sales invoice – where from does the system get the information?


In how many ways a sap system can interact with third party system. please provide the details to understand well about interfaces


Are there any user exits or any other way to include new fields in the sales order va01?


what is the role of sap sd fuational consultant in IDoc prepairtion,explan the IDoc process ( my email id help sd gurus


What is the search strategy to find out delivering plant automatically?


What is sales and distribution (sd)?


You want to list all condition records for a certain material or a certain sales organization. How would you do that?


Describe the process flow for a credit memo.


What is “characteristic”? How does the term characteristic relate to transaction code cto4?


when ever we are creating a rental contracts, if we go for the item level data in va44, revenue is not recognizing, which leads the plant and division is not copied in the item level data, please send if any one knows the answer ASAP.


How does the term characteristic relate to transaction code cto4?