SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

1 Can anyone tell about types of free goods ?

5 9555

What is business change and impact ?

3 5478

Who will do batch inputs ? will it be done by functional consultant or technical consultant ?

3 6046

what happens if we check 'exclusive' indication in access sequence, and what happens if we do not chec

Blue Star,

8 21135

What special configuration you did in project

Mind Tree,

1 5464

What is business change and impact ? it is a step in project realization stage ? if am wrong,please correct ?


2 5716

How can you assign different delivery dates to an item in the sales order?

2 5960

How do you print out documents, such as order confirmations?

1 5701

What does the movement type control?

5 9021

1.In third party process am getting an error message (check table 169p entry company code (1111) does not exist) at MIGO step , What should I do to over come this error ?


3 10461

What is Automatic rebate settlement and what is retroactive rebate settlement and how to process retroactive rebate settlement


1 10576

hi, i have one problem wen i'm practising...we were creating sales order in std doc type OR. the material has mrp type std ND(noMRP) and item category TAN which was assigned to scheduleline category CN (NO CHECK). wat happened is the system automatically propse the material availability date as 31.12.2008, eventhough i havent configured availability check. so tht i cant make delivery for this order.... i ve tried many time with diff customer...but the same error was happened....can u pls tell me y it is happened?

6 7509

what is the out put of blueprint


4 7380

how the internal process is going on in automatic credit check



what is the meaning of backjobs?


1 7769

Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions

Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

How is the shipping point determined?


What are the primary functions of sales and distribution?


what are the stages involved in VALUE SAP. please brief it


HOw u have Implement credit management for your client in ur current project >Tell how it starts and it ends.Please provide some real time examples.


What is a standard transport layer in sap ? : transportation management


Is there any one who can teach me SAP CIN ? I am ready to pay him. Presently I am in PUNE Location. Please Contact me its Urgent - 09987059674, E-Mail ID :


What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination.


In how many ways a sap system can interact with third party system. please provide the details to understand well about interfaces


Is it possible to perform an availability check based on the plant yet exclude one storage location?


if i have a CRM in sales area, sales org,dis channel,division can i create a sales order for this sales area sales org,dis channel,division with out extending CRM for sales org,dis channel,division? if yes please explain.


What is a company?


A 'plant' is assigned to which of the entities in the sd organization?


Name the necessary steps to setup a route?


How shipping point is determined?


What are the various configuration methods available in stms? : transportation management