how can u hilight perticular row in popwindow in report programming?please any one can tell me?
3 6641please any one can tell me modifytable keyword used in DDIC? what is a basic diffrence between modify table and update key word?
4 7564please tell me. different ways of find out the user exist?what is the basic difference between ,user exist ,BAdi,Bapis?
1 2940what is basic difference between BDC&dialogprogramming? what is basic difference between reports&dialogprogramming?
2 5964hi, what is basic diff b/w RFCs and BAPI? What is basic diff b/w BADI and BAPLI?please dont give the general diff?please any one can tell me?
3 8114what is RFC?types of RFCs?please any one can give me the interfaces in sap abap with example?
2 9822With the use of secondary index we can make a program run faster but we are advised not to use secondary index why is that so??
3 22128If i have locked a program using Locking and iam in bangalore.How can i give authorization to other user to use my program who is another place say Pune?is it possible?
2 5710I have developed a program where i have used Ranges and the program is running fine in DEV and Quality server but as soon as it goes to Prod server it shows some errors.What can be done in this case??
6 7549By using which single table i can get all the detail from sale order to billing not used vbak, vbap, vbrk & vbrp.
2 8283
What are the fields in the memory table ‘screen’?
What is logical database? : abap hr
Explain what is a foreign key relationship? Explain this with the help of an example.
What are the two different ways of building a match code object?
While doing bdc exp va01 transaction sometime in the item level data shows only 4 items and other times it will show 6 line items, how will you maintain this kind of screen resolutions scenerio? : abap bdc
What is the symbol to do “concatenation” operation in nw abap 7.4 ?
where do we store all custom programs in SD module?
What is the function of the transport system and workbench organiser? : abap data dictionary
What is the purpose of creating symbolic a/c, what is transaction code for same? Can we assign one symbolic a/c to multiple wage types? : sap abap hr
Can a constructor be declared private? If yes then in which scenario?
Can a constructor be redefined?
What is the difference between Check and Continue?
Performance tuning techniques
Power is interrupted while transferring data from internal table to application server. How will you determine many records are transferred in session method and call transaction method? : abap bdc
What is buffering allowed but switched off?