SAP ABAP Interview Questions
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hai iam srinivas. I have done client copy in sccl for 800 client and i have stopped the process in middle unexceptedely and after some time iam unable to login into the client 800. error message is incorect password or inclient username. how to refresh the client or solve the problem. please me out in it.

3 6716

Suppose, we are creating one table. at that time we are mention table space and size category. Generally size category is from 0 to 6 is available. suppose if we are declare size category as 0(zero). For 0 (zero) the size of rows is from 0(zero) to 19000. I have 25000 records to insert into table. but table size is declared as 0(zero). i.e 19000 records. what about remaining 6000 records. shall i insert in to table or not? if insert how can i do? if not insert what can i do? Please answer me? i faced this one in TCS interview.


2 6745

how many fields in mara table.


3 11360

what a full form of badi,bapi,alv,ale .


6 32269

What is an implementation project?In any job openings they desire people with at least one project with an end to end implementation. Could u give me the details of project implementation and the role of an abapper in the implementation? And what type of questions do the recruiters normally ask for implementation projects? Plz reply me with a suitable answer. Regards, Rahul


2 6847

Utility of bdc cursor?

1 10264

1.what aer the text modules. 2.what is function module in report. 3.what is the land scape in u r projwct.

Cap Gemini,

4 8348

how can we get what are the exits available for va01 transaction?


2 10355

1.What is the difference between append structure and include structure. 2. what is the logging of technical setting while creating db table.

Accenture, NTT Data,

5 49288

if we are inserting record in BDC,if poweroff how can you know how many records inserted?(poweroff yourside)


1 5419

what is the difference b/w database and data dictionary?


3 12034

what is the keep parameter in BDC_OPEN_GROUP function module


2 12270

what is the difference b/w linear search and binary search? (how can these search)


15 61272

how to create lock object


1 7192

what is collective search help?

HCL, Reliance,

2 10218

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How can we access the correction and transport system? : abap data dictionary


What is a help view? : abap data dictionary


What are the different types of views in sap? : abap data dictionary


While doing bdc exp va01 transaction sometime in the item level data shows only 4 items and other times it will show 6 line items, how will you maintain this kind of screen resolutions scenerio? : abap bdc


When to use logical database?


What is tcode se16?


What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous update? : abap bdc


​​Can multiple abap systems connect to abap database?


Name a few data dictionary objects? : abap data dictionary


Define database layer? : abap data dictionary


Difference between user exit and badis?


What is locking ?


What is the definition of modification in an sap system and how do they impact an upgrade?


How do you read files from the application server ? : abap bdc