Define external layer?
What is the difference between leave transaction and call transaction?
What is the difference between internal tables and extract datasets? : abap modularization
How to upload more than 2GB file from External Source to SAP?
What is pass by value and what is pass by reference? Which is better?
What is the function of the correction system? : abap data dictionary
What are the organizational related infotypes? : abap hr
Lock objects and what are parameters of ENQUEUE FM?
What are the various types of selection screen event?
What statement will be found in an sap application program that implements a function module exit?
how to use table control?if suppose i have 6 records and i want more 4 records in sequence.How to handle this scenario?
Explain how do you use structures in the abap programs?
Is the basic list deleted when the new list is created?
What is a transport?
How to read files and process BDC's automatically ?