how can u hilight perticular row in popwindow in report
programming?please any one can tell me?
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Answer / sateesh r
the Question is not clear?
i will tell how to highlighter particular row by using color.
1.intially declear variable type
Slis_specialcol_alv.(v_color type Slis_specialcol_alv)
matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
ersda TYPE mara-ersda,
ernam TYPE mara-ernam,
cell TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv,
END OF ls_mara.
2.declare one more variable in out side of the types
DATA: fs_cell LIKE LINE OF wa_mara-cell.
LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara.
fs_cell-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
fs_cell-color-col = '6'.
in dis way we can highlate row in ALVS.
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Answer / venkateswarlu
by using the graphics multiflexer we can highlight the row
particular row in report
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Answer / apoorv sharma
U can highlight a particular row using
Format Hotspot on.
//Mention fields on which u want hand.
Format hotspot off.
If u want color then mention the color number following the field name.
write: it-no color 1, it-name color 2.
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