What is partner selection?
what are the various types of parameters and how are they distinguished from one another?
What is a bsp application? : sap abap hr
How table control cn be generated using bdc? : abap bdc
What do you mean by transparent tables in sap abap? : abap data dictionary
Difference between stand alone CRM and back-end CRM
Which table stores the programs created?
Difference between top-of-page and top-of-page during at line- selection?
Define database layer? : abap data dictionary
What are the different window types in sapscript?
Name the abap/4 modularization techniques?
Can you set up background processing using call transaction?
Explain the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?
Explain what are the system fields? Explain?
Specify the types of data dictionary objects.