SAP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Difference bet'n simple and interactive reports?

1 4676

what is the use of SLIS type pool in alv reports?


12 44404

what is the use of start-of-selection event? what is the difference betn end-of-page and end-of-selection?

2 20380

what are ALV reports? how they are different from normal reports?

2 9434

what is the difference between at first & at new statements

1 9946

in a loop of an internal table, what is the use of at first & at last statements?

2 12473

what is the role of extended syntax check in performance tuning?

1 3560

what are the main events that are used in an ALV report?

6 32079

How to combine two sales orders in single invioce?

6 21021

How to deliver single sales order to different ship to partys?

5 10336

In real time how we get the tickets? whether it is through email or any thing else.

1 4318

Can We change the account group of customer master?

Keane India Ltd,

3 14981

Does delivery documents have any pricing procedure or condition types attached to it?

Keane India Ltd,

4 15409

What is header condition type and in sales order how header condition type gets it value? Do we maintain access sequence for header condition types?

Keane India Ltd,

5 12808

A company sells his product in two locations, US and Europe. For Europe customers final amount should be in EUR and for US customers final amount should be in USD. Where do you maintain these settings, so that whenever you change USD to EUR or Vice-versa, amount will get converted automatically according to the exchange rate.

Keane India Ltd,

2 5819

Un-Answered Questions { SAP }

What is b/w statistics?


What do the consistency checks service do?


What is the use of account group of the vendor/customer master records? : cost center accounting


In bom I mentioned item category as l but when I create po for sub-contracting defaultly it shows t?


What is modularization and its benefits? : abap modularization


Explain batch management process.


The material does not have a master record. How can we procure that?


How do I set java_home and path correctly?


Explain what mrp (material requirement planning) list is and what is the transaction code to access mrp list?


What is the difference between a structure and an append structure?


What is the disadvantage of using Proxies?


Name two types of multi providers and compare them to each other?


What all steps are involved in creating planning groups and planning levels in cash management? What changes does it bring?


what is std info set? where it is used?


How to release an object?