Does delivery documents have any pricing procedure or
condition types attached to it?
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Answer / laxman
yes, Delivery docs can have pricing procedure.
its defined in the same screens as of order & billing
pricing procedure.
but assigned to a delivery document type.
Path: SPRO --> Logistics Execution --> Shipping --> Basic
Shipping Functions --> Pricing --> Define Pricing
Procedures for Delivery
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Answer / vin
Lakshman got it right, would like to add
If the business is not using transporation component,
delivery could have shipping related conditions at header
level(Ex: Freight costs) these conditions can be entered
manually or using condition technique and transferd to
billing doc
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / subha
yes you both pricing proceedures and CONDTION TYPS IN DELIVERY
The conditiontype is kfoo ( based on firght)
and the pricing type is based on your incoterms
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Answer / nazim keser
In delivery you can't see any conditions but if you accept
a shipment cost pricing procedure as a delivery pricing
procedure yes there is. Shipment costs have their own
pricing procedure and there is an option of adding the
shipment cost ınto the bıllıng document as a surcharge.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 7 No |
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