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ABC Inc Interview Questions
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What is an Economizer?

4 9029

What is the effect of high alkaline water to a boiler?

3 16316

Steps In starting boilers.

1 3757

What is the color of the flame of the boiler running in good condition?

6 13966

What is a brake horsepower?

1 4474

What is thrust bearing?

1 4168

What are the causes of boiler backfire and steps in how to prevent it from happening?

4 56970

What are the causes of high alkalinity in boiler water?

2 6547

What are sensible heat, latent heat, and specific heat of water?

1 4383

What are the causes of turbine vibration

9 27746

What are steam turbine parts usually come into damage?

3 5940

What type of pump use in boiler F.O. system?

2 4996

What s gland sealing steam?

3 6888

. Where can you find the feed check valve and feed stop valve and give the purpose of it?

1 4952

How to prevent back fire of boiler?

2 6616

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The loads are connected with phase and ground then why current flow as the loads ?


Define what is zener voltage?


What data types are supported by external id’s in ?


What are the fields in a bdc_tab table? : abap bdc


When was the second and third experimental explosion conducted?


What is transclusion in angularjs?


What is release profile?


Suggest some book to learn more test case???


What is ST and specify its range of voltage.


write a program for creation of customer quotation using BAPI 'BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA'.


Name the common type of ledgers that can be considered by users in Blockchain?


What is the uses of power point?


Can we add different BU related users to a single Team?


What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?


Can we extend singleton class?