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JLL Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the rating of your capacitor bank at your company.

36 79571

What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 52751

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 157256

How do you maintain the earthing resistance?

13 44483

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name then what we have to say.

41 546358

what is the difference between earth and neutral?

56 150688

What is the Difference Between MCCB & ACB & VCB

58 297333

battery capacity use of made?


What are the Safety measures in central chiller plant? Explain them?

22 62539

how do you calculate IKW(consumption per TR) in HVAC?

27 143147

what is dedicated earthing??????

3 24584

Why dc supply is used for closing and tripping coil of ht breakers. What happen if we use only ups ac supply only.

12 38198

E.B sending end to receiving end 33kv ug cable laid 8Km,receiving end to ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4 all are Approx 800 Mtr,can go for 33KV to 430V or 33kv to 11kv in receiving end and 11kv to 430 near ss ,which one is good for technically and economically.

1 3701

The least number which is divided by 2,16,24,36 leave a reminder 7 in each case please provide answer with explanation

3 44797

How to calcualte the total number of cells required for particular UPS of some X KVA with 3 and 5 hours back-up?

1 2930

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Explain the process of calculating the planned activity output through long term planning?


write a note on Testing the web site


How to print java variable in jsp?


Where we use sla?


Explain cakephp and why it is used?


what computer packages have you used? : Journalist


How do I transfer my gmail to outlook?


What is the meaning of string in c++?


Explain what is reflection in microsoft .net context?


Where is apache config centos?


Describe ‘ruleset’?


What do you mean by mac?


What systems can blue prism robotically integrate?


Tell me how does input/output bus functions?


What does asp stand for in technology?