The least number which is divided by 2,16,24,36 leave a reminder 7 in each case please provide answer with explanation
3 44916Post New JLL Interview Questions
Name some feature extraction techniques used for dimensionality reduction?
How does the HTTP handle state?
Why swift is faster than objective c?
Explain rethrowing exceptions with an example?
In order to appeal to customers on mobile devices, explain the important?
Why is it called program files x86?
What is Bayes' Rule?
what is the difference between JSF and Struts?
What is db dialect?
How to configure git post commit hook?
Can we use a switch statement with strings?
What is ashx file in
Name Different Terms of Issue of Shares?
What are the major steps in developing an effective marketing program? Can you develop a communication program for a television company for the indian market? How effective arc road shows?
What is meaning of === in javascript?