What is the ideal Bacteria Value for Sewage treatment plant operations with great efficiency.And what is the COD , BOD and Bacteria Measuring units and standard values in India.
1 3126Post New JLL Bio Engineering Interview Questions
You suspect microscopic grains on a slide that you exposed to the outside air to be pollen. To test this, you place a drop of a sugar solution on the slide with the grains. If this is pollen, what will happen?
What are the traits involved in social reforms?
What are ansible vaults and why are they used?
Explain how to use built-in messaging within the application?
What is use of region in CUCM?
Test approach to windows update?
How is the Bitmap checkpoint different from Image checkpoint?
Tell me how to select an exact color to match?
Which method is frequently used to prevent overfitting?
What is a j2ee module?
Is it ok to delete windows old?
What is html antiforgerytoken ()?
How do you scale in powerpoint?
Differentiate between transparent tables, cluster tables and pooled tables
We defined sop in months. However, during sop transfer to demand management, our independent requirements are appearing in weeks. How can we correct this from weeks into months?