how should we start our self introduction.what is the
sequence should we after our name then what we
have to say.

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how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / akhilesh

After our name,we should tell our native place.and any
specific think which is related to native place(if any).
2.we should tell our hightest qualification,followed by
10th and 12th.
3.tell abt work experience
4.tell short description abt family back ground.
5.tell abt your hobbies.
6.your streanth.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1702 Yes 317 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / r.sandeep yadav

1)Good Morning all/ Sir/mam,
My name is R.Sandeep Kumar, I have born and bought up in

2)I am graduate from Pragathi mahavidayala, completed my
intermideate from Ideal junior college and Matriculation
from Hyderbad sainik school.

3)I am good thinker and quick learner, I am an Optimistic
person, flexible to work in any shift, have an ability to
complete the assignment in the given interval of time, can
work for longer hours without any break.

4)I like playing cricket, listening to the music and hang
out for parties in the lesuire time.

5)I have work experience more than 2 years. right now i am
working with TATA Businees support services since sept 9th
2007. as a Technical agent for an ISP process where resolve
the issues of the customer on the call by providing the T-
shooting steps.

6) And my family consists of Father , mother and me, FAther
is an Govt employee who is TC in south central railway, and
mother is house maid.


Is This Answer Correct ?    1230 Yes 139 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / amarnathreddy

1.greeting like goodmorning/aftn/evng
2.iam ------------- (ur name)
3.ur age
4.present residng address
5.ur family back ground dnt describe ur brother n sister
only describe ur father and ur mother
6.ur qualification
7.technical qualification
10.u have to tell finally this sentence"THATS ALL ABOUT ME"

Is This Answer Correct ?    558 Yes 204 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / sree charan

Guys.. Listen to me.. I am just a student like you people.
More and more you try to follow according to the rules and
stipulations said by others in this forum, I bet you will
screw up the interview.

One fellow says, name followed by date of birth.. Other guy
says named followed by place .. One more says, educational
qualification. another genius will ask you to say something
else irrelavant..

Be practical. If you are getting engaged to a girl/guy, or
going to some function, you will behave as if you are the
most decent guy in this whole world, show the same thing
here. You dont need to do mono action. Be as you are.

If you are planning to sell an article to someone. you will
say everything about it right, the same way works here..
Interviewer is buying your talent and skills.. Let him know
what you got. You wont start up Nokia 3310 history to give
intro for N72. Tell what exactly you want to say in cut
short manner, of course clearly , gently with a smiling
face. Your gestures matters a lot.

Believe me, Be as you are .. Be confident with a smiling
face and answer the questions politely as far as you know.
You are selected. You dont need to deceive yourself. This
way you will be the most happiest person in the world and
you can face interviews like going for a movie. you wont
have that fear anymore. Trust me .. It works ..You dont need
taek-won-do training for this.. every one have their own
skills. Only thing that matters here is how you present it
out. All the best..

Is This Answer Correct ?    367 Yes 26 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / abraham

Self introduction is not the time to explain about the
family and the legacy.interviewer is looking forward to
know about yourself ie the potiential inside which can be
made usefull for the company.for example if your elder
brother is an IAS officer ,its not gonna add something to
the company.

self introduction is the key to be sucessfull in an
interview(first impression).introduction for freshers and
experinced candidates can be different .be confident and
try to maintain the proper eye contact till the end.should
try to have the proper intonations and should be impressive

eg:Hai iam ....../iam born to mr .......and iam brought up
in a ......... social background.well!!! about my career
path ,i,ve completed my ........ under
a ..... kindof person .......... for further more drop a
mail to

Is This Answer Correct ?    336 Yes 72 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / syed arif

start with ur name and ur birth place,
tell about ur educational qualification starting with ur
family background and
professional experience if any.

notice:do not give ur weakness and strength, if u want u
can share ur hobbies. for further clarification or joining
in a call centre like convergys bangalore e-mail ur cv to or call mob-09342304851.

Is This Answer Correct ?    446 Yes 257 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / chris

self introduction must always start with your name followed
by your educational qualification. If experience then you
you should tell about your previous organisation that u
have worked with and always try to make good statements
about your previous organisation because an interviewer
would get a wrong notion of you if you say negative things
about your previous organisation state valid reasons as to
why u left the previous company. A very important thing
that helps you to crack interviews (BPO) is the way you
make them convience how stable you are!....
if you talk about you strengths then your weakness should
relate your strengths example, i am very friendly and as a
result sometimes i speak things which are personal for
somebody and in the process i end up hurting someone so
these days i am trying to maintain spaces as required
sometimes.... so these are some few tips for a good
interview.....mail me if you have any queries.........

Is This Answer Correct ?    197 Yes 54 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / suraj

sameer u r 100+1(%) right.we should not say about our
family background till they ask. u have to tell this type
of matters which is needed to company. knowing about ur
family what is benefit for the company.

Is This Answer Correct ?    180 Yes 86 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / sameer

first tell your name and after that education backround
starting with 10th standard watever u have. and technical
if u have. then work experience if u have. then ur strength
and ur hobbies. and plzzzzz dont tell about ur family.
until they ask..

Is This Answer Correct ?    330 Yes 241 No

how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name..

Answer / prakrati kunder

I completely agree with what my friend above has said.. I
follow d same rule - STRAIGHT FROM D HEART... n belive me

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 15 No

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