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Zensar Interview Questions
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what is xcelsius architecture?


pl/sql testing means what ...... explain process how to find pl/sql bugs

1 5140

struts 1.3 features?

1 11682

what is hash table in informatica?

1 6557

every reports have docid,when i export a report docid will change or not?

4 9756

What are the typical risks that you identify during test planning and their mitigation plan and Contengency plan.


What is Exit Criteria and what should be covered in it?

2 5319

What do you do in Configuration Management?

1 4720

how to sell a product ?if interviewer as a customer?

5 8716

have table with two columns with datatypes as number and varchar and the values in A column like 1,2,3 AND B column values like a,b,c. now need to display data in a single column as 1,a,2,b,3,c.

8 12932

can anyone explain me about retail domain project in informatica?


How internally data stores in MyISAM and INNODB table types?


can we extend a class having only one parameterised constructor.Suggest the process to do it.


tell me about ur self

8 22643

I am having source ENO ENAME LOC 1 A PUNE 2 B MUMBAI 3 C CHENNAI Target ENO ENAME LOC 1 A PUNE 2 B MUMBAI 3 C CHENNAI If a new record coming from source from same location it should directly go to specified location in target at begining EX:if Eno with 4 coming from same Pune, It should directly load into the Pune location col with '|' symbol. Help me its very urgent

5 9372

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Zensar Interview Questions

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Can you put an access database on sharepoint?


Is the syntax correct? Explain the meaning of the syntax given below: $dbc = mysqli_connect('', 'owen', 'aliensrool', 'aliendatabase');


Tell me does Angular use the jQuery library?


What is difference between jms and activemq?


What is the difference between query and question?


What do you mean by a scala map?


What is web deployment?


How can one manage sales for a company? : insurance cold calling


What is friend class in c++ with example?


What is a applicative?


What work you have done in HR module


What is @dynamic in objective-c ?


Why do you perform 'integrity check’? : bo designer


What is the latest version of android 2019?


Name the breakdown mechanism in a lightly doped p-n junction under reverse biased condition.