How to use legacy .dat file format with latest designer ?
What are the defects found in testing banking domain?
Explain the function of the steplib dd statement?
How WDM works in wireless we say that it works in optical and signals transmitted in this are light signals...??
What is the role of xsl transformer?
Difference between informatica vs ab initio?
what is the difference between persistent and non persistent messages?
What do you understand of pareto (80/20) principle/analysis?
Can you assign a matchcode object to a parameter? If so how?
What do you know about Planning Commission and its Chairman etc.
What is the importance of the table roidocprms?
What is meant by average load time?
What are the core interfaces are of hibernate framework?
In netweaver gateway central hub deployment, what are the different scenarios for development? Which one is preferred and when?
Can we inherit constructor in c++?