Post New Zensar Microsoft Related AllOther Interview Questions
Can an employee of Buffalo Wild Wings transfer to a different location from a different franchisee if needed?
What are the hydrocarbons?
What is servlet and how it works?
How you will pass a variable by value in wordpress?
write a c program for swapping two strings using pointer
what type of waves exactly the radiations are ?
pre arcing time of ehv breaker
1 light year is approx equal to
just right the logic of it 1--> If few people are electing then every time ur candidate should win 2--> arrange books in box, if box carry weight == books weight then take another box..... find the no of box required.
What is servlet and its types?
Tell me the benefits of set control field in record field properties?
class CTest { public: void someMethod() { int nCount = 0; cout << "This is some method --> " << nCount; } }; int main() { CTest *pctest; pctest->someMethod(); return 0; } It will executes the someMethod() and displays the value too. how is it possible with our creating memory for the class . i think iam not creating object for the class. Thanks in Advance... Prakash
Why a grid is sometimes placed in a cassette?
Why gii is used in yii 2.0?
What is lazy class?