i want run following code on button click of view. i am trying to retrieve data from isc_order_details table and isc_product table. but after retriaval of data i m getting error like FIELD MUST BE ENTERED!! DECLARE m number; n number; CURSOR order_details IS SELECT PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,PRODUCT_ID FROM isc_order_details WHERE order_id=:isc_order_master.order_id; amount NUMBER (8,2):=0.0; alert number; BEGIN go_block('isc_order_details'); first_record; m:=:system.cursor_record; last_record; n:=:system.cursor_record; OPEN order_details; --for i in m..n loop FETCH order_details INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ORDER_QUAN,:ISC_ORDER_DETAIL S.PRODUCT_ID; IF order_details%FOUND THEN SELECT order_value,order_date INTO :ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_VALUE,:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_D ATE FROM isc_order_master WHERE order_id=:ISC_ORDER_MASTER.ORDER_ID; SELECT product_desc,product_price INTO :ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_DESC,:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PROD UCT_PRICE FROM isc_product WHERE product_id=:ISC_ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCT_ID; next_record; END IF; EXIT WHEN order_details%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; last_record; CLOSE order_details; EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then alert:=SHOW_ALERT('ENTER_DATA'); Go_Item('isc_order_master.order_id'); END;
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