how to click on object? (with out knowing the object details) for ex: in a webpage one link is available.i want to click that link by using one menthod through qtp?
3 6732what is the standard program for blanket po to process data from interface table to bace table
3 8190if 8men works 8hrs per day for 8days get rs.45,then how many men required if the work is 5hrs per day for 10days they get rs.60?(want solution with steps)
4 14174I have table-A(1,2,3)& table-B(3,4,5).what is the different b/w below questions? A union all B? B union all A?
2 4878Post New Zensar Interview Questions
When to use {{}} ? How to interpolate variables or dynamic variable names?
How do you find out What is your shell?
What are the 3 segments of the default route, that is present in an ASP.NET MVC application?
Please explain the reference variable in c++?
What is font style in computer?
How does AI contribute to risk analysis in financial sectors?
what is the comparative effect of organic manure & NPK fertilizer on amaranthus spp.?
What it's the difference between proc means and proc summary?
What is the difference between a primary key & a unique key?
Why should I use interface in c#?
How will you define base class?
what is milling and types of milling?what is drilling and types of drilling? what is tapering and their types?
Can you explain function of iebgener?
What is abstraction in oops?
How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, quality server, production server )