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Zensar Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what is the difference b/n DPD(Defect profile document) and DRD(Defect Report document).

1 9673

what is the difference b/n DPD(Defect profile document) and TRD(Test Report document).

2 14156

As you are working with cmmi level 5 company ,can you tell me what processes you r following as QA engineer?


what are the QA process u r following in your cmmi level 5 company

1 3183

what is your test strategy?

2 6436

What is mean by Defect Injection?,Tell me in brife

4 33347

what is test metrics? difference between test matrix and test metrics? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

1 14274

what are the levels in testing? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

4 6777

with what documents you prepare the test cases? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

3 6670

difference between test suit and test scenario? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

5 7831

what is bug life cycle? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

5 7430

what is framework and what is test methodology? (Asked in Zensar Hyderabad today(17-1-12010))

1 4783

What are the typical risks that you identify during test planning and their mitigation plan and Contengency plan.


What is Exit Criteria and what should be covered in it?

2 5319

What do you do in Configuration Management?

1 4720

Post New Zensar Manual Testing Interview Questions

Zensar Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what is clean sweep?


Classify the balance of payment?


Define dynamic scoping.


How do you handle pop-up exceptions?


What are the advantages of spring?


What is the use of toarray () in java?


What does winword exe mean?


Why xhtml is needed?


Explain the various Administrator benefits using Web sphere?


What are object relationships?


Explain the difference between record occurrence and record type in idms?


Discuss the treatment options for retinal vascular occlusions, such as central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) or branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO).


what are the limitations of identity column? : Transact sql


A client wants to promote her new mobile app by showing her ads in other mobile apps. How can adwords help accomplish her goal?


What is the usage of foreach operation in Pig scripts?