Define the term cross-validation
Can we say cogroup is a group of more than 1 data set?
hello sir! i am jot n i have applied for student visa which was rejected in july and officer didnt gave my any reason for that.he only asked me that i m applying first time? n second thing he asked m that which university?i told him both the answer but suddenly he said m sorry and didnt gave any reason now i have applied for second time and my interview is in few days..can you please tell m how should i coveince the officer n please tell m if he ask m why i have choosen this university only as there are many other?? should i tell him features or good points of the university??
What is the output of this following statement?
How to use union all in hibernate query?
How to do clean up if create database failed?
What are the 4 stages of computing?
Mention what is the number of default partitioner in Hadoop?
What is helper library?
How can bogus Facebook accounts be detected?
How can you find broken links in a page using selenium webdriver?
what is the voltages using in movie theaters??? why ??why not other??
Python list of lists, changes reflected across sublists unexpectedly
What are the benefits of ejb?
Does concat mutate array?