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UHG Interview Questions
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What is QA Life cycle

6 28085

When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and why u r quit for your current job ?

8 20144

Tell me abt ur self

42 64048

What is the error condition that is set when the file specified in the NAME option is not in the FCT?

1 6433

If we hire you, and then another company will offer you more money - what will you do?

26 50079

what is your strength

47 98271

I wnnt to learn about QTP Automation Framework,please give URL Address to get more information about AFW.


2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it?

11 61903

how u write vb script in qtp pls give me some basic script and some material

32 56558

How to connect SMTP server in php. I want to edit that in mantiss bug tracking tool. If anyone worked on mantiss software or in php, please give answer . I need to modify that in mantiss software.

1 5759

what is aregular expression?

4 7536

speak for 2 minutes on some topic

46 804210

In a yahoo web Application there are 65 day it will opens 50 links and another day it will open 55 links.In this scenerio write Descriptive programing for Automation?....Pls write the code for this scenerio.

1 3250

whow much strong on VB and C?


What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation

16 92863

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What reflex causes the extension of the big toe and fanning of the other toes when the bottom of the foot is stroked?


What is the need of trex in biw system?


Differentiate CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH?


What are the components or products of hana?


Who can see private posts on wordpress?


Which language is best for data science?


Will tuxedo continue to be used in peoplesoft/websphere or peoplesoft/weblogic environment?


List the advantages and disadvantages of a pfr?


Describe primary index in teradata. And what are the available primary index types?


What is clustering? What are the different algorithms used for clustering?


Differentiate between constructor injection and setter injection?


How do I remove the border around frames?


What is tsl?


What is the importance of javascript?


What feature stateless linux server offers?