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UHG Interview Questions
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What are the major challenges u faced in performance testing ?

1 41324

db2 restart logic ?

1 11648

What is test scenario?

2 6901

How to send different PARM values based on the any condition to the program in a JCL? For example :- If the time is before 12:00 pm, I want to send "A" to some program and if it past 12:00 pm , I want to send "B" as a PARM value to that program. How to do it thur JCL only?


Hi, If a catolog proc has another proc in it, both have ddnames dd1 and dd2. what proc will override if gave override parameter. Here both have same step names.

2 6099

How many types we can give input to JCL

5 12657

if one main program ,n -subprograms are then which call you follow ?why reasonuhg

4 8649

how to override PROC? please give answer in details. Please mention how to write it in JCL. Thanks in advance.

6 18373

what are the main differences between keyword driven frame work and data driven frame work?

1 5301

Hi , Can anyone give few examples of scenarios and there corresponding design in datastage..i am new to this tool...confused in design while my manager asking to design the job.. Please post the URL if i can go through it.. Thanks in advance...


There are 80 coins, among them one coin weighs less compared to other. You are given a physical balance to weigh. In how many wieghings the odd coin can be found.

8 25468

what is heath care process and how does it work?

2 7614

function can return multiple value?how give give sample coding

2 15618

what is most memorable moment?

1 3611

i have 500 testcases , how to perform the regression testing

1 6084

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Un-Answered Questions

How has technology effected the way that we receive news


How to connect sybase database from python?


Explain why messages are immutable inside biztalk?


What is the proper name for edta?


What are field status groups?


What is string data type?


How do you decide which tool you have to use?


What will you comment on the Kashmir Issue?


What are approval process? : salesforce workflows and approval process


What is the difference between immediate stop and request stop?


whats KPI and kinds of KPIs


Explain what is posting key and what does it control?


Difference between fixed length and variable length records.


Program will then find the largest of three numbers using nested if-else statements. User is prompted to enter three numbers. Program will find the largest number and display it on the screen. All three numbers entered by the user are also displayed. If user enters 21, 33, and 5, the output should be as follows: You entered: 21, 33 and 5. The largest number is 33.


How to use talend job conductor?