2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it?

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2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / g.v.subramanyam

a situation occures more than one path exists from one table
to another table.
to reslove the loops we can use the allias ans context.
if a loop contains only one lookup table then the loop can
be resolved by detecting the alias.
if a loop is having 2 or more fact tables(multiple fact
tables) then the loop can be resolved by detecting context.

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 8 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / vidya

Loop is a Multiple paths between the tables selected in
queries. Or you can say loop is a closed path structure.
Loops can be resolved by…

•Alias - Same as the namesake in SQL.
•Exact duplicate of the original table.
.A different name “tricks” the SQL query to accept that you
are using 2 different tables.

•Rule which helps BO decide which of the 2 paths to choose
in a loop.
•BO prompts the user to indicate the correct perspective
(relevant path) for the query.

When to Alias
A loop with a single lookup table should be resolved by an
A lookup table can be identified by its cardinality
A lookup table only has the ‘one’ end of joins attached to

Is This Answer Correct ?    66 Yes 4 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / srinu

Loop can be resolved either alias/ context.

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 6 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / rahul tandon

Loop is a situation in the BO universe design process. A
circular path of joins is formed between the tables. The
SQL queries are not able to interpret the joins; this
results in the wrong results from the queries; often less
records are retrieved than the actual number of records.

A loop situation can be resolved by Aliases and Contexts.
Make sure to break the joins(circular path) by aliasing the
table(dimension table) which has 1n's coming out of it from
both the end. The path then gets broken and ends as two
different path, one ending at the original dimension table
and the other at the aliased table(of that dimension). Both
of the paths now convey a differnt business case scenario
and depending upon the scenario a particlar path(query has
to be fired).

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / vams_gk

loop is nothing but a continuous data flow .it is a pipe
line.it is a close path end to end..using alias table we
can resolve loop s

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 8 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / stalin

Loop is a Multiple paths between the tables selected in
queries. Or you can say loop is a closed path structure.

Loops can be resolved by
3.Short cut join
if our table having only one lookup then we go for the alias
concept to resolve the loop.

if our table having more than one lookup the we go for the
context to resolve the loop
Short cut join will also resolve the loops

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / chakri

A loop is a set of joins that defines a closed path through
a set of tables in a
schema. Loops occur when joins form multiple paths between
lookup tables.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / srikanth

loop can produce instances of a query where too few rows of data..
by using able aliases and contexts to resolve the loop.
alliases means it breks the loop and it is same as the original table only differ in name..a table occurs twice in the query with the diff purpose.

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2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / chaitu

Loop is a closed circuit path.it fetches the less number of records than we expected.
by resolve these loops we are having three methods
3)short cut join

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2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it? ..

Answer / veeru


we can say simply like:

loop is a contineous path between
the tables.

we can say another way: if there are number of tables
extractiing with number of ralations ships connecting with
each other is called loop.

two ways to we can resolve the loop
1) Alias

if our table having only one lookup then we go for the alias
concept to resolve the loop.

if our table having more than one lookup the we go for the
context to resolve the loop

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

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