Explain why is there more friction when you push an object than when you pull it?
What is the diff bet plan,package,dbrm?
Suggest a method of joining two tables.
hi.. i've one crystal report. i want the report header as "employee database". i dont want to right click->insert and goto text object and insert. i've one aspx page and aspx.cs page also. now i want the "employee database" header to be printed from .cs file. i dont want to pass by parameter also.. i.e is there any option in .cs file something like ReportDocument myreport = new ReportDocument(); myreport.Load(MapPath("~/" + "emp.rpt")); myReport.Reportheader="Employee database"; i hope u have understood this. only thing is from .cs file i want to print the header as employee database. i dont want by passing parameter also... please help....
What is difference between desktop application and web application?
How to get the recordmode D or A in changelog table when we delete or add records in DSO?
Write a basic jquery code?
What are the characteristics of html?
What is an operating chart of accounts in sap ?
From the following identify the non schema object: packages, triggers, public synonyms, tables and indexes.
What is the difference between comparison done by equals method and == operator?
Why do you want to join accenture and why not other IT firms?
Can an infoobject be an infoprovider, how and why?
Did india use the special safeguard provisions available in the agreement on agriculture? Will developing countries have recourse to any emergency safeguard measures in the doha round?
What does singleton mean in java?