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UHG Interview Questions
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i have 500 testcases there,how to perform the Regression testin nad retesting?

3 8230

the successive discounts of 15%,20%is equal to ?

4 8318

14%of 14000 is equal to

11 14258

in a certain group there are two families red and brown;search for mahindra satyam for this paragraph

3 7116

what is the test scenario?

1 3600

How to write test cases for payment gateway.

2 19601

What is d main advantage of using double circuit 3 phase transmission ?


Converting Vertical PIVOTing without using PIVOT stage in DataStage. Ex: DEPT_NO EMPNAME 10 Subhash 10 Suresh 10 sravs Output: DEPT_NO EMP1 EMP2 EMP3 10 subhash suresh sravs 2) How to implement Horizontal PIVOTing without using PIVOT stage.

3 15781

Hi guys, please design a job with derivation(solution). write exact conditions. My requirement Source table emp_no qualification 1 a 1 c 2 a 3 c 3 b Target table emp_no qualification 1 b 2 b 2 c 3 a Here every employer have three qualifications i.e a,b and c. what ever source table dont have some qualification, that will be move to target table. Like above. Hope u get the point. Thanks.

4 9931

whether postpaid telephone expenses can be taken under prepaid expenses when advance payment made by a/c payee cheque for the month of march.

3 7615

Can we use where and having clauses in a single SAS program. ex: proc sql;     select a,b,c from test      where state in 'KA'      and having . Is the above program run correctly, if not why ?     

4 9380

i have two programs 1.cobol program 2.copy book program can i move bouth program in to the production or single single program?

1 3313

in rpg could u please tell me errors types and meanings like 3030 that ....

1 4249

Hi , May i know what is the time gap maintained between visits ? once i got my B1/B2 approved in Jan 2014 i was their in US from Jan'14 to may 14 (3mnths)and again went back in Nov'14 and stayed till may'15 ( 6 mnths) when can i travel again ?


what is dynslt and why we use that command when do we use command

2 7046

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Is trigger a stored procedure?


What is chunk in laravel?


Can we create multiple constructors?


what is insdustrial vibration.who it works. give atleast 2 types of insdustrial vibration


What is a Business Process?


How do you define CONSTANT in C?


Explain private cloud?


What is iso:9000 in outsourcing? : bpo


Why content injected into a page is not enhanced? : jquery mobile


What is BPL?


How do I make excel 2016 my default in windows 10?


What is the cause of cylindrical liner overheating?


How do I merge cells in excel 2016?


What is platformbrowserdynamic?


hi i am eswar i want to know the instrumentation interview questations for eil(engineers india ltd) i have applied for engineer post in eil please help in mail id