How to schedule the report in Cognos? And i have 2 users u1,u2. how to schedule the report for these 2 users(the 2 users will get result once for a week) but u1 get the result on every monday to his inbox,and u2 get the result on every wednesday to his inbox.
3 11227Post New UHG Cognos Interview Questions
Differentiate between pl/sql and sql?
In motors how many types of cooling systems were used?
Explain the difference between laravel and codeigniter?
I am new to informatica and learning it,can anybody please tell me how we receive source as flat file in informatica,from where we get this flat file?
How to do performance tunning of reports?
What do you mean by table in ms word?
What is the reason for joining Maruti and not a technical firm
i can access command prompt in my pc. when i type cmd in run,message comes-you are admin. why is it so? how can acces it by just logging in as a user and not as admin.?????
What are the different ways in which solids can be blended?
london school of science and technology has a software development unit,known as lsst solutions,which is responsible for developing and implementing software throughout the collegejames tristan keeps a record of all student details in the college including student id,name,and start date and phone number.There are many courses offered by LSST. For example MBA, MSc, BSc, BABS, DF, English etc. Each course id identified by course id, description, duration. Each course has many semesters. Each semester takes place during a particular term. Semester details and term details are required to be stored in the database. Each course has many subjects and same subject may be offered in many courses. For each subject many details such as Subject code, name, result and attendance are required to be stored. Every subject has mainly two assessments; one assignment and one exam. Assignment is worth of 30% and exam 70% respectively. You have been appointed as a database designer. Your job is to provide ERD with all possible entities and relationships. Note: Feel free to make necessary assumptions 3: Assignment Tasks. 1. Create an ERD for the above problem 2. Translate the ERD to Relational Data model (RDM) 3. Implement the RDM by creating the tables 4. Populate the database with your own data. 5. SQL Queries for the following tasks a. List all student details in each course along with course details b. Count and display number of students in each course. c. List student name, course name, assessment description, marks for all students.
Develop a routine to reflect an object about an arbitrarily selected plane.
what are daily activities on tsm?
Is unix a kernel or os?
Does https prevent csrf?
What are the factors on which script execution time is dependent?