I wnnt to learn about QTP Automation Framework,please give URL Address to get more information about AFW.
2062In a yahoo web Application there are 65 links.one day it will opens 50 links and another day it will open 55 links.In this scenerio write Descriptive programing for Automation?....Pls write the code for this scenerio.
1 3242Regular expressions..... Actually how to use this and what is the exact syntax and can anybody can help me out this with example.is there any docs pls send to my mailid rvreddy82@gmail.com
1 3093QTP 9.2, Issue: Creating Shared Object repository. I recorded 2 scripts. I exported the Object Repository to a shared location for the first script. Associated the exported repository to the first script and deleted the Local Repository for the First Script. Now Opened the Second script and try to Add the Local Object Repository of 2nd Script to Exported Object Repository. But I fail. Can anyone please help in providing steps that need to be followed in creating a shared object repository? Thanks in Advance.
3 9433HI, Based On The Information Below Write A Data Driven test Script Edit Box 1 Should take Value From Num1 Column Edit Box 2 Should take Value From Num2 Column Click On Add Button, Get The Value Of Exp res Column, Get Value From Actual Result Edit Box , Compare Two Values, Write Pass / Fail Value Into Result Column Thanks In Advance... Kavitha Input.Xls Num1 Num2 Exp res Act res Result 10 30 40 40 Pass 50 40 90 90.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 7768Post New UHG QTP Interview Questions
Which is better sata or hdd?
Describe function procedure in vbscript.
The metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear is subdivided into three types: 1. metal-clad switchgear and controlgear; 2. compartmented switchgear and controlgear 3. cubicle switchgear and controlgear. What is the main differnence between them. State some example.
How do you open .db files?
Name some of the features of python?
Why is a constant variable important?
What's better than outlook for email?
What is c sharp used for?
How can scope of internal audit help you?
write a c program for swapping two strings using pointer
What is use of inner class in java?
What does __ name __ mean in python?
What is default size of hashmap?
Tell me what are the three factors that can affect your cash flow and business profitability?