What are jsp lifecycle methods?
Do we need to give a password, even if the key is added in ssh?
What are the features of preference shares?
1. What is leakage current? 2. Transistor VI characters? Explain. 3. What is dc load line? 4. Differential amplifier circuit. 5. Recursive interrupts. 6. Diagram case microcontroller and Eprom 7. Use of grey code? 8. Design counter from 1 to 11. 9. Characteristic impedence?Z0 value of probe used in lab. 10. 3 input TTL logic. 11. What is Pseudo random sequence? Why it is called so? 12. What is stack? 13. Different types of voltage regulation?
What is the purpose of Chipping in the heavy foundation?
Explain me what is astm?
Write down the c# syntax to catch an exception
What do you mean by the term data warehousing? Is it different from data mining?
Why is html important?
How to sort intermediate output based on values in MapReduce?
how can you validate a text field?
What does stl mean in slang?
What is the purpose of xssfsheet class in apache poi?
what is call back in alv?
what type of quetion may be asked for experienced person in manual tester of 1 year?