When i go to interview in any company they told me only one question why u r join this company and why u r quit for your current job ?
8 19663What is the error condition that is set when the file specified in the NAME option is not in the FCT?
1 6269I wnnt to learn about QTP Automation Framework,please give URL Address to get more information about AFW.
1980How to connect SMTP server in php. I want to edit that in mantiss bug tracking tool. If anyone worked on mantiss software or in php, please give answer . I need to modify that in mantiss software.
1 5600In a yahoo web Application there are 65 links.one day it will opens 50 links and another day it will open 55 links.In this scenerio write Descriptive programing for Automation?....Pls write the code for this scenerio.
1 3070Post New UHG Interview Questions
Difference between aggregate functions of sql?
What do you mean by hardness of water?
How can I prevent the use of scripts and java code on the jsp page?
What is a variable cost example?
What goals do you have in your career?
what are the fiber losses,How to rectify it?
What are static and dynamic variables?
In se11 -->Tech. settings --> Data class. If I save table as Mater data OR Transaction data, what effect will it has for 'Storage' in Database after activation. or In Database how it will store in both the cases.
Define view object in iOS operating system?
What's difference between thread and process?
What orm means?
How will you register service providers?
Explain ios switching applications?
Explain function overloading and operator overloading.
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