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L&T Interview Questions
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What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 53332

How do you connect the capacitors on polyphase circuits?

10 38573

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 158665

Why a starter is used for a motor?

50 138969

What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are occurred what preventive methods should be taken?

14 52838

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?

20 108420

What happens when a main method is declared as private?

22 57483

What Name space does the web page belon in the .net framework class hierarchy?

1 7600

Method of findingthe dry ingredient quantity of 1 m3 concrete.

25 191606

tell me about yourself?

10 23489

What is Liquidity Ratio?

19 41266

How can you clean up objects holding resources from within the code?

2 6524

What is a Quality Factor?

19 52514

what are active and Passive Components?

102 206746

tell about yourself, please do give with example .

40 118606

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At the time of depreciation run we selected actual dep key is 5% but we taken 7% so the depreciation was posted wrongly how to rectify it?


Is it possible to create web application with both webforms and mvc?


What is the use of glassfish server?


How to generate urls from named named routes?


Why did they used to make the mill chimneys so tall?


What is datasource in ios?


How to do performance tunning a database in DB2 V8.2 UDB in linux


Is bayesian statistics useful?


How to Update from select query in sql server?


What is visual basic used for?


Difference between vector and arraylist.


whats the existence of reactive power and when it arises?


What is the production process in sap?


How do I fix a corrupted external hard drive without formatting?


What is the wavelength of sound in air?